Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One month into it...

It’s already February, January was a busy month for me. A lot of ups and downs! The UPS: Going to DC for the Inauguration! That was one in a life time things that anybody can do. Be one of 2-3 millions of people to see the First African American President. I’m not black, but I think that it means a lot for the minorities in the U.S. Since I was in the east coast already, I was able to plan a trip to NY and catch up with some of the people I talk to in usual bases. Remind me not to go to the East Coast during the winter!! It’s always freezing. I can never complain when it’s 60 degrees in SF.

Downs: Couple of the deals I’ve been working on has turned sour or bad. I can’t be mad; it’s just how this business is. I can only keep it moving and do my best.

One of my goals this year is to build a strong foundation of my networks. I know that I have a solid base of people in my network. I have People that I can trust. And know that they can to their part to get the job done.

Do I really want to go to AZ for the NBA All Star celebrations? I’m working on a party with Akon already. It’s pretty much done, but I’m not in the mood to be out there. That’s when you know you’re getting old, or tired of the scene. That’s when you go to dope parties and meet celebrities and now its whatever. I just want to get paid and go to sleep. Haha!

I was talking to one of my friends in the Industry and we were talking bout how each of us mad sacrifices to get to where we’re at. The “types” of girls we meet are ridiculous. A lot of them are really out for one thing, and it’s not love. It’s funny to see how girls try to work themselves.

Well that’s about it for now.

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