Sunday, January 31, 2010

Everyone is home on sunday nite!! C'mon son!! Ask me anything!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


past couple months... I've been all about quotes! I guess it helps me get motivated about LIFE!

The quote that I always live by is "Got To Make It Happen!" I just can't sit and wait for things to come. But here are other quotes that I've liked in the past few months...

If you're not living life on the edge, you're really not living life at all.

If people are trying to pull you DOWN, be PROUD about it, because it only confirms that you are above them!

Sometimes you need an outside perspective to help see yourself better.

Everything that happens to us has a blessing built into it.

Someday u may realize that the person you didnt let in your life, was the one who would have made u truly happy.

Do u know what's hard about being too strong? Nobody might care to ask if you're hurt.

Be as strong as the tables you dance on, the drinks you mix, and the friends you roll with!

No one is perfect. That is why understanding is so important.

Without the bad, there would be no good. Without the sad, there would be no happy. Without you, there would be no me.

Dont tell God how big your storm is. Tell your storm how big your God is.

Love is you; you and me. -John Lennon

Tough times never last... but tough people do. -Dr. Robert Schuller

Just love without limits, thats how true love is, just love without thinking , that is true LOVE.

Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship. -Sharon Stone

They say if you love something you have to let it go, but baby, i am letting you go but with a rope tied to your heart.

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.

Just be honest with yourself. That opens the door.” -VERNON HOWARD

I want a partner who comes into my life by accident and stays on purpose.

It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun. Be STRONG!

The minute I stop making mistakes, is the minute I stop learning.

True love is eternal.

thats it for now...!
Nothing hurts more than knowing you don't want me anymore.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Taking questions for the next hour!! C'mon son!! Ask me anything!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

C'mon son!! Ask me anything!! Going to take some Q's for the next hour!

What is your nationality?

I'm Chinese and Filipino!

C'mon son!! Ask me anything!!

What store would you not shop at?

I most def would not shop at Forever21!!! how gay would it be for a guy to have a Forever21 tag on the back of their shirt!! lol!! Don't mean to offend any of the guys that shops there! and they do have a lot of good clothes for the ladies thoe!! You see them all at the clubs!

Ask me anything

At this moment in time are you happy?

I'm always happy! I always tend to look into the bright side of life, even when things aren't going right in my life! I believe in God and believing that God has your back makes me happy!!

Ask me anything

Whats celebs would you be a groupie to?

hahaha! I hate groupies... but... I def know where they're coming from!! well not really... but I'm a very big fan of older artist... BoyzIIMen, Whitney Houston, Snoop, Dr. Dre, New Edition, Mariah Carey... n the list goes on.

Ask me anything

What girl? You answered you weren't dating anyone

well i'm not dating anyone anymore!! but that doesn't mean I can't put that person on my mind!

Ask me anything

What's the one thing that has been on your mind the most lately?

My mind runs crazy!! there's a lot of things on my mind from business to personal stuff! but I'd admit... the last thing on my mind the most lately has been about a girl!

Ask me anything

why are you always in LA? stay in the bay!!

haha! I have to expand my networking horizon!! LA has great weather, food, and girls!! plus a lot of my connects are out there! I've also met a lot of great friends out there! People I can trust with my life!! Socal has been my 2nd home!! but this year you're going to ask, why am I always in NY!!??

Ask me anything

how many girls are you dating right now? or are you even dating?

None! I use to date a lot in the past, but I got tired of doing the same thing and asking the same questions with 2-4 diff girls. I'm more about quality right now! and I do have trust issues when I meet girls... I don't know what they're out for when they meet me! And I also make sure that they hold their own, before we even hang out!!

Ask me anything

damn! i'm not getting anymore questions!! where ya at? lol Ask me anything

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm ready to spill some beans... or just give the honest truth! Ask me anything

Taking questions about life, music, events, etc.. Ask me anything