Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life & Death

The past two months, I've seen a couple of my friends that past away. Some closer than other, but it still takes effect to me. Eric Culp, Brandon Clarke, and Dolla aka Roderick Burton. They all lead different lives, but in the same way the same. They were all happy and outgoing people. They loved to make new friends and have a good time.

Eric died from fallin off a ledge at a club, Brandon passed away from cancer, and today Dolla got shot in front of a mall in L.A., Its just so sad to see positive people leave the earth. But God let them leave for a reason. God always has a reason for things to end in a certain way. You might not approve of it, but in the long run; it's for the better.

I went to Eric and Brandon's memorial service/funeral and bascially the message at the end of the day was: if you want to see them again, Only God can show you the way to see them again. That's the truth at the end of the day! God can lead you to eternal happieness. We're here on earth to be an example for God. We might not be perfect, but through him we're one step closer.

I pray for all the family and friends that has been effected by the death of these people! All 3 guys are leaders in their own way! They were kind hearted and was there for their friends and family.

I will miss!! RIP!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How I Got Started in This Biz...

A lot of people always ask me, how did I get started and what do I do?

I got started by promoting clubs, I liked to go out and party a lot. From there I was able to meet a lot of new friends. A couple of my friends and I started our own promotions company. We were doing it big at a point. After a couple of years of promoting clubs, I got tired of going out and passing flyers. This was before myspace, facebook, and the beginning of Friendster!! Those were the days where you had to build personal relationships with other peoples, not just sending bulletins on the internet!! haha... As I was getting tired of promoting, I was able to meet artists and their managers. I was pretty much networking with them. From there, I was able to build my network. I met a lot of great people that I still have personal relationships with still!

During the times of me building my rep, I worked a full time job during the day and networked at night! I had to grind and sometimes, it was messing up my day job. But I knew this is what I wanted to do. I didn't exactly know what it was, but it was something I just loved to do.

So now what I do:
I work with a lot of up and coming artist, especially the artist that are signed to a major label with a hot song. I set up promo/club tours for them all throughout the westcoast. I've been able to travel and work with them. Some artist blew up and doesn't know me any more! haha, but thats life! Other artist I still keep relationships with and communicate on a frequent bases.

I also do other things in the entertainment/music biz. I still do some club events, but mostly special events. I'm now putting out concerts as well and working on some film projects. Also working with a lot of the bay area artist! Gotta support the local music!!

so that pretty much sums its all up. Been doing this since 2001, had my ups and downs. I still have my ups and downs! but I never want to give up!! This is the dream that comes to reality!

also, I know we're in a recession... If you ain't got a job and unemployment is bout to end!! You should think about following your dream!! This is the time to be creative and make your mark in your life! New businesses needs to be started to turn around this recession!! People are still buying things on these informercials. haha

